August 01, 2011


Flippant flickerings of optical aenemones bestow the screen
Reverberating to and fro between wave-embossed sheen
Blending my perceptions, unravels bifurcating streaming corridors
Enthralling and bestowing me a Cosmic Vagabond and Troubadour
Offerings of channeled light combine to benevolent infrastructure
In barren hallowed halls now crumbling, unstable and ruptured
Form gives way to weightless fantasy, a mighty blow, deep-psyche impacting,
 Enmeshed in phantasmic chambers concealing glow worm troves, refracting
In shades stirringly serene, as etheric'ly flowing fields subtly transfix,
Footings of my world imbued in technicolored consciousness kinetics
As subatomic wheels and axelrods become miniature rotaries clustering
Dissipating understanding of tangible realities, insane winds blustering
Striking blows at my maintenance of perception and memory-retention
Punctured and deflated, fluttering across the cosmos in divine suspension
Gravity discarded, happenstance ensuing, anti-matter meteorite explosions
Infused between Supreme Vortices, absorbing fluttering essence emulsions.
All along, sweet sinews of interplanetary entanglement drench my exhalations
Unfolding to expansive portal- new frontiers of unfathomable cosmic way stations.


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