Black chimneys spout billowing venom
Of brazened iron, delirious with steam
Flooding the gridiron lattice-workings
With bustling fury and hastening speed
And ferocious pistons kneading slick steel
In split-pulsing, rattle-trancing tension
Conjuring the mighty rites of Foundry.
Levers, pulleys, switches, each rampant
Like unchained fetters off a Cerberus
Eager to unleash dormant capabilities
And lend Rage to the world's dismantling.
Crackles of hideous fumes propelled
Through wilted notches of pipe patchwork
And ascending to the upper atriums and galleys
Where beading vapor trace-lets take riddled form
As unrelenting tensions compose mechanic rhythms
In homage to the sacrilegious names Rate and Quantity.
Hell-winds spew panicked pandemonium through circuitry
As the rebelling flames in furnaces expel their lungs of soot.
The Foreman, decked in similar shades of misery, pulls the chain
Commanding the conveyer belt-spanning Centrifuge to grinding halt-
A cog must be replaced.
It must have met Erosion.